A simple list of products categories, manually selected. You can easily create a page like this. The heading and this text are totally optional. Really useful when all you want is a list of product categories.
Example shortcode: [product_categories orderby="menu_order" order="" columns="3"]
Fast Clamp
DDA09: Adjustable Bend
DDA06 :Bend 90°
DDA05: End Return
DDA04: Intermediate Bracket
DDA03: Wall Bracket
DDA02: Handrail Connector
DDA01: Upright Connector
CA03 - Add On Short Tee
C72A - Acute Angle 11° to 30° Tee
C72 - Acute Angle 30° to 45° Tee
C71 - Crimp Elbow
C70 - Crimp Straight
C68 - Weather Cowl
C67 - Double Mesh Clip
C66 - Single Mesh Clip
C65P - Plastic End Cap
C65G - Metal End Cap
C59A - Angle Base Flange (30° to 45°)
C54 - Slope 2 Socket Cross 0° to 11°
C53 - Slope Base 0° to 11°
C52 - Slope Long Tee 0° to 11°
C51 - Short Slope Tee 0° to 11°
C50 - Slope Elbow 0° to 11°
C48 - 90° Corner Swivel Combination
C47 - Double Swivel Combination
C46 - Base Swivel Combination
C45 - Single Swivel Combination
C43 - Combination Socket
C42 - Clamp On Crossover
C41 - Clamp On Tee
C40 - 90° Crossover
C38 - 90° Corner Male Swivel
C37 - Double Male Swivel
C36 - Male Socket Swivel
C36 - Female Swivel
C35 - Male Swivel
C34 - Fixing Pad
C33 - Hook
C32 - Gate Hinge
C31 - Gate Eye
C30 - Collar
C29 - Adjustable Short Tee (30° to 60°)
C28 - Adjustable 2 Socket Cross 30°- 45°
C25 - Short Tee Swivel
C245 - Three Socket Tee (30-45 Degrees)
C24 - 4 Way Cross + Central Tube
C23 - 45° Side Outlet Tee
C229 - Single Socket Tee (11° to 30°)
C221 - Level to Sloping Down / Up Cross (30° to 45°)
C22 - Two Socket Cross
C211 - Right hand Level to sloping Down Side Outlet Tee (30° to 45°)
C211 - Left hand Level to sloping Down Side Outlet Tee (30° to 45°)
C21 - Corner C/W Through Tube
C201RH - Right hand Level to sloping Down Side Outlet Elbow (30° to 45°)
C201LH - Left hand Level to sloping Down Side Outlet Elbow (30° to 45°)
C200 - Double Sided Fixing Bracket
C20 - 3 Way 90° Elbow
C18 - Base Flange With Integrated Toeboard
C17 - Ground Support
C16 - Handrail Bracket
C15 - Side Palm Fixing
C14 - Railing Horizontal Side Support
C13 - Railing Vertical Side Support
C12 - Railing Base Flange - Ductile
C11 - Wall Flange
C10G - Swivel Base
C07 - 45° Tee
C06 - Internal T Joint
C05A - Variable Elbow (11° to 30°)
C05 - Variable Elbow (15° to 60°)
C042 - Level to Sloping Up Tee (30° to 45°)
C041 - Level to Sloping Down Tee (30° to 45°)
C04 - Long Tee
C03 - Short Tee
C02 - 90° Elbow
C01 - Expanding Connector
C00 - Sleeve Joint
BC05 - Swivel Elbow
Aftermarket Bobcat Cylinders