Type C51 - Double Swivel Socket

PartPart NameWeightABC
C51-555Double Swivel Socket, 26.9mm O/D0.87 kg555
C51-666Double Swivel Socket, 33.7mm O/D1.11 kg666
C51-777Double Swivel Socket, 42.4mm O/D1.35 kg777
C51-888Double Swivel Socket, 48.3mm O/D1.57 kg888
C51-999Double Swivel Socket, 60.3mm O/D2.06 kg999

Product Description

Complete combination fitting. Type C51 is made by combining two Type F50 fittings and one Type M51. For dimensions refer to Type F50 and Type M51. See ‘Swivel Fittings’ on page 12 for more information.

Request Kee Klamp types C51-555, C51-666, C51-777, C51-888 and C51-999 TODAY!

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