Type 21 - 90° Side Outlet Tee

PartPart NameWeightAD
21-490° Side Outlet Tee, 21.3mm O/D0.14 kg434 mm
21-590° Side Outlet Tee, 26.9mm O/D0.28 kg541 mm
21-690° Side Outlet Tee, 33.7mm O/D0.41 kg646 mm
21-790° Side Outlet Tee, 42.4mm O/D0.55 kg760 mm
21-890° Side Outlet Tee, 48.3mm O/D0.73 kg868 mm
21-990° Side Outlet Tee, 60.3mm O/D1.36 kg985 mm

Product Description

Most frequently paired with Type 20 to give a 90° corner joint for the middle rail of safety railing and other rectangular structures. The upright passes through the fitting.

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